Submitted Requests
When a registration is submitted for moderation, it is sent into the pending section of the moderator dashboard where the moderator can decide whether to approve or reject it. Approved registrations are disseminated into the public and embargoed sections accordingly. Approved withdrawal requests and forced withdrawals and listed in the Withdrawn tab. Rejected registrations are returned to the authors in draft form for further revisions and listed in the Rejected tab.
It is strongly encouraged that moderators comment on rejected registrations so that authors know why the registration was not accepted or what areas need revising. These comments are viewable by all users and cannot be removed or changed.
Accept or Reject Requests
Registrations, updates, and withdrawal requests will not appear on your moderator dashboard until all contributor admins are given the chance to reject, or allow auto-approval after 48 hours.
- Open the appropriate “Pending” tab.
- Open a pending registration or update by clicking on its title.
- Click the “Make Decision” button. A dropdown will appear.
- Select “Accept submission” or “Reject submission”.
Add comments to the registration, if it's rejected so researchers know what needs to be corrected.
- Click “Submit”.
Contributors will receive an email from OSF including moderator comments after the moderator made their decision. The email will not include who the moderator is or which moderator made the decision.